Monza Circuit, Viale di Vedano, 5, 20900, Italy

The Italian Grand Prix is one of only two Grands Prix to have hosted an F1 Championship event ever since the competition’s official introduction in 1950, the other being the Silverstone Grand Prix in the United Kingdom.

Nicknamed the ‘Temple of Speed’, the Autodromo Nazionale di Monza has been the venue for it every year bar one. This 5.793km circuit is renowned for its raw speed, and the race consists of 53 laps.

“It’s the fastest circuit on the calendar in terms of outright speed, and for a driver it’s an incredible feeling racing down those iconic straights punctuated by the tight chicanes and big, fast corners that require a huge amount of commitment.”

Fernando Alonso – F1 Driver

Lewis Hamilton racing for Mercedes sped around at over 260kmh during qualifying here in 2020, when he set the record for the fastest ever lap in F1 history.

The long speedy straights and tight chicanes make for a great spectacle, and fans will see the vehicles pushed to their absolute limit. 

Monza has an array of grandstands to choose from, covering various key points of the track. Most of these are rather uncomfortable as they are set in a concrete or steel bleacher-style – make sure you bring a cushion.

The General Admission area is another great option and is excellent value, but if you prefer a somewhat elevated view then go for one of the grandstands. All of them have a big screen so you can keep up with all the action throughout the day. There are some dotted around in General Admission too.

The main fan village at Monza is situated behind the main straight grandstands, and is full of different displays and merchandise, with some fantastic live music being performed as well. Most of the toilets at the circuit are Port-a-loo style, but queues are infrequent besides during peak times.

Food/drink sales points are everywhere, but for those on a budget it’s better to buy snacks before entering the circuit. Glass, cans, and alcohol are not allowed.

Note that Monza is located in the grounds of the 4th largest city park in the whole of Europe, so be prepared for lots of walking around. Temperatures tend to be high and the sun will almost certainly be out for this end-of-summer Italian showdown.

With the cars being flat out for almost 80% of the lap, you get to see them hit their maximum velocity, and you will feel the raw power the of the engines as they roar by. The number of hard chicanes gives the brakes a nice test too, and also enables you to see the drivers at slower speeds at some key points.

The Italian Grand Prix will likely be both a little bit unorganised and slightly chaotic, however this only adds to its charm. You are sure to have a memorable experience. The entertainment around the track is limited by the available space, much like the Canadian Grand Prix where there just isn’t room to host huge concerts and big top tents. Go for the on track action rather than off track.

Monza Grandstand Reviews

Laterale Destra (26)

The Laterale Destra Grandstand (Right Lateral Grandstand) is located on the main straight and is jam-packed with spirited fans year after year.

This section of track is definitely the most popular place to spectate, and tickets for the grandstands here sell out well in advance, with Grandstand 26 being no different. It is one of the most expensive ticket options, but the general consensus at Monza is that you get what you pay for. 

If a view of the pre-race antics, the pit stops and the podium celebrations is what gets your engines roaring, then this grandstand is probably your best bet. You are also in the prime spot for the infamous track invasion.

The grandstand is on the edge of the grid, with a view stretching from the first couple of rows all the way down to the prolonged exit of Parabolica. The stand is divided into sections of A, B and C.C is the cheapest option yet has the best view of the podium celebrations, and the atmosphere here will be unforgettable. A is the most expensive as it’s closest to the start line.

Grandstand 26 has big screens so you can follow everything that is going on. It’s also close to the Fan Village, and surrounded by an array of food and drink stalls and toilets.

With regards to wheel-to-wheel action, you won’t see much overtaking, but you are perfectly placed for the chequered flag moment. This grandstand is fantastic if you really want to feel involved in the Grand Prix, assuming you aren’t on a strict budget.

Centrale (1)

Sitting directly opposite the grid, tickets for the Centrale Grandstand ensure an excellent vantage point of the start/finish line and the pole position.

Seat 58 in block 2 is almost exactly opposite pole, so strive for a seat around here and close to the central partition if a view of your favourite driver on the start line is a must. The atmosphere here is always electrifying thanks to the sheer size of the stand and the number of people. 

Centrale is, as the name suggests, right in the centre of all the goings-on. It’s close to the food and drink stalls, and the toilets too. The Fan Village is also nearby, and there are a number of big screens to keep up with everything throughout the day.

The upper part of the stand is covered, however the lower rows aren’t, so be prepared to cope with the elements whether rain or shine (most likely shine though).

Another thing to note is that the grandstand is pretty overpriced in comparison to its similar counterparts at some of the other Grands Prix, so be prepared to splash out a little more for these main straight seats.

For good all-round views of the start/finish line, along with the grid and the pits, Centrale is a sturdy choice. It is pretty expensive, but an exciting and memorable trip is basically guaranteed if you’re sat here. 

Piscina (5)

Piscina is a small standalone grandstand that is also perched on the main straight. It is one of the cheaper options, but this comes at a compromise and the views aren’t as good as they are in the more expensive grandstands. 

It sits near the first corner, but you can’t really see this from where you’re sat. It does enable you to see the cars exiting the pit lane, which some fans enjoy. It is also close to toilets and amenities. A big screen is available too.

Ultimately however, due to speed of the vehicles as they fly past, you won’t see much more than a blur as you constantly swing your head from right to left. The atmosphere isn’t great either, so you may feel extra isolated at times.

If you want to feel truly immersed in your visit to the Italian Grand Prix, you’re better off sitting elsewhere. The view isn’t terrible, but there are alternatives in a similar price bracket that are significantly more enthralling.

Vedano (24)

This grandstand is located at the opposite end of the main straight to Piscina, closer to the exit of the Curva Parabolica. It offers a much better overall view than its counterpart, but at a slightly higher price. There is a real sense of excitement in this part of the track, and the energy here is great. 

Vedano is close to the main fan zone so you are never too far away from the entertainment. Food and drink options nearby are plentiful too. Port-a-loo style toilets are close by but expect to queue for these during peak circuit times.

The grandstand is a good choice for those on a mid to high budget and is seen as an all-rounder thanks to its view of varying aspects of the race, from the pre-race build-up and the start line to the final corner. A big screen is within your line of sight so you won’t miss anything.

Laterale Sinistra (4)

At the other side of the Centrale Grandstand to Leterale Destra, Laterale Sinistra is positioned just after the start/finish line, putting you in the hot seat for perhaps the most exciting part of the race. The atmosphere here is always electric, and the speed the drivers reach here is breathtaking. 

There are toilets nearby, along with the food and drink stalls. The F1 Fanzone is extremely close too, where live music keeps the crowd going even during quieter track times.

This grandstand is one of the more expensive options at Monza, so be prepared to spend quite a lot for one of the better seats here. For those with a high budget, it makes for a brilliant day of spectating.

Prima Variante Grandstands (Turn 1)

6 A, B & C

Knows as being one of the tightest corners of the season, the first turn at Monza encourages aggressive driving, ensuring a nail-biting first lap. Not only that, but it’s also regarded as a prime overtaking spot due to it coming immediately after the long and fast main straight. 6 A, B, and C are all situated on the inside of the turn.

C is the closest one to the apex of the turn, offering the best view but at the highest price. A bonus is that it’s right behind the banked section of the old Monza circuit, so the history buffs in particular might appreciate a seat here. 

B is a little bit cheaper, but the view isn’t as good as in C, and it’s probably worth spending that little bit extra to maximise your experience in Italy. 

A is quite a way away from the corner, so I wouldn’t recommend getting a ticket here unless you’re prepared to use binoculars for the majority of the time.

Overall, Grandstand 6 offers some good views of the eventful first corner at a middle price point. It gives a much wider viewing angle than what those in Grandstand 8 get.

It’s a little further from the main fan zone than some of the other grandstands, but still within reach, and there are smaller food spots and toilets nearby.

There is a big screen here too, and these seats are arguably some of the very best at Monza.

8 A & B 

Grandstand 8 offers a similar view to that of Grandstand 6, but sits on the outside of the track as opposed to the inside. It also suits those on a mid-budget. 

A benefit of this grandstand is that you can see the car approach head-on as opposed to from behind like in 6. 8 A is the pricier option as it’s higher up so the view is better. 8 A is lower down, and you don’t have a great view of the braking zone. 

Overall, the inner Grandstand 6 is worth the extra money as the field of view is larger, you can really witness the drivers handle the bend, and there is more chance of seeing an overtaking maneouver in full.

Seconda Variante Grandstands 

9 & 10

There are 2 grandstands at this part of the track, and both are on the inside of the circuit. There is a pretty high chance of some wheel-to-wheel action here, so if you are desperate to see some overtaking then this is another good option.

The cars exit Curva Granda at unbelievable speeds before slamming on the brakes to navigate the chicane.

Grandstand 9 (Seconda Variante) is closer to the chicane, so it’s a better option if a view of this is important to you. The upper rows have a clearer line of sight as they aren’t obstructed by the catch fencing. 

Grandstand 10, known as Roggio, is noticeably cheaper, but the fencing here does affect the view and can be quite an annoyance. 

The main issue with choosing to sit in these grandstands is the distance from other parts of the track. From the nearest entrance gate, it’s at least a 30-minute walk, which could prove testing in the late summer heat.

It also means you may feel a little isolated at times, and you are much further from the main entertainment zones. There is a big screen however, and there are smaller amenities and toilets that are a little closer.

A seat in this section of the track provides a similar view to that of turn 1, but with a little less excitement. It is considerably cheaper though, so should definitely be considered, especially if your budget is tight.

Ascari Grandstands 

12, 13, 15 & 16

Taking their name after the two-time world champion who died at his home race here at Monza in 1955, the Ascari Grandstands overlook the speedy 7th corner, which drivers typically negotiate in 4th gear. This chicane is located towards the end of the lap, and makes excellent viewing as the cars weave by.

Grandstand 12, also known as Ascari Tre, sits directly opposite the entry to the turn.

Be aware though that there are some trees that block the view, so you will only see the rear of the cars. It’s around the mid-budget price mark, and there is a big screen so you are never out of the loop. 

Ascari Due, or Grandstand 13, is situated at the middle of the chicane, and this stand provides the best views available at this section of the circuit. In addition to the TV screen, it offers a very clear view of the approach, entry, and exit, and is known for overlooking the largest amount of track from any one grandstand at Monza.

This makes it a favourite for many, and it’s always full to the brim with excited fans.

Grandstands 15 & 16 are also known as Ascari Vino and Ascari respectively, and both allow for decent views of the corner.

These are positioned much nearer to the exit of the bend, so you get to see the cars accelerate away. 16 has a slightly better view than 15 overall, but 15 has a better view of the entry. Bring binoculars though because it’s pretty far away. There is a big screen here though too.

The Ascari Grandstands are a fantastic place to spectate, with wide views of a large portion of the track at a respectable price point.

There are food and drink stalls within reach, and toilets are all around too. Don’t expect to see much overtaking action here though, but it’s still a fulfilling experience seeing the cars weave by at speed.

Grandstands 19 & 20

Just after the Ascari chicane, there are some more grandstands with a slightly different perspective. Uscita Ascari B (Grandstand 19) and Uscita Ascari C.

They are pretty small in size and capacity, and there are much better views available elsewhere at the track in the same price range. 

Both give a head-on view of the cars as they pass through Ascari and then on to the following straight.

One positive of being seated here is the proximity to the track – both tightly hug the edge of it, which really allows you to feel the power of these racing machines as they roar by. A big screen is available too so you can keep up with the race.

Parabolica Grandstands

Situated on the outside of the circuit on the approach to the notorious Curva Parabolica are another set of grandstands.

This bend is regarded as one of the most famous of the calendar and is packed with history. Wolfgang Von Trips was tragically killed here in 1961 along with 15 spectators after his car crashed into the side barrier and catapulted into the crowd. Lots of safety measures have been implemented since.

At this corner you get to see the drivers rapidly reduce their speeds as they are forced to squeeze the brakes to navigate the corner, while still striving to maintain as much momentum as possible in preparation for the straight that follows.

Grandstand 21 is one of the low-budget options at Monza and is situated at Parabolica. It is divided into 5 sections, A, B, C, D and E. 21 A is right at the apex of the bend, and next to a big screen too which makes the best seating option in this grandstand.

There isn’t a rood here though, so be prepared for all weather and wear the right clothes. 

The other sections of Grandstand 21 are not really worth bothering with unless having a reserved seat at the circuit is a must for you. The seating is quite far away from the track and so the view is distant. It also gets quite boring after a while, and it would be much wiser to just purchase a general admission ticket and have a lot more freedom.

One positive is that there are toilets and food and drink stalls nearby, and you are relatively close to the main F1 Fanzone.

 There are 2 more grandstands located on the inside of the track here, just at the exit of the Parabolica corner. Grandstand 23 is divided into 2 sections, A and B, and they are closer to the pitlane entrance.

The view from each is pretty much the same, so your best bet is to go with the cheapest option here which is 23A. This section makes a good low-budget choice, but there are better places to watch the action unfold.

General Admission

The history and prestige surrounding the Monza Circuit and the Italian Grand Prix is what makes it such a unique experience, and a must for any F1 super fan. The general admission tickets are a great option regardless, but the affordability makes it a brilliant choice no matter what your budget is. This puts it up there as possibly the best choice for spectators here.

The home race for the Ferrari team brings out the Tifosi in large numbers, guaranteeing an electric ambience throughout the course of the weekend.

There are respectable views from numerous differents corners, with some small platforms dotted around in general admission too, though these spots fill extremely fast so make sure to get there early.

You will be nice and close to the track here, but the catch fencing may hinder your photography opportunities. 

There are toilets and food/drink stalls located all over, and you can easily access the main fanzone and other entertainment areas.

Perhaps the main benefit of being in GA is the ability to move freely without having to return to any particular seat.

The second chicane is probably the best spot to watch from in general admission, thank to the high chances of wheel-to-wheel action here when compared with other parts of the track.

This is a particularly exciting spot on the first few laps as the drivers tussle for positions. 

 If you opt for turn 1, you will be in the prime position for the famous post-race track invasion, and the podium presentation too.

General Admission offers phenomenal value for money, with the added bonus of ‘free friday’ where you can sit in any grandstand you want for no added cost. Just be prepared for lots of walking around.

The best grandstand at the Italian F1 Grand Prix at Monza

One of the most exciting views is Prima Variante Grandstands at turn 1. Located on the inside of the track you’ll get views of the famous action packed chicane and with grandstands either side there’s festival like atmosphere. An Iconic F1 view that sells out fast.