Shanghai Audi International Circuit, Jiading District, 伊宁路2000号 邮政编码: 201800

You’re gearing up for the Chinese Grand Prix, a highlight on the Formula One calendar. The Shanghai International Circuit, with its sprawling layout and state-of-the-art facilities, awaits you.

Opened in 2004 and designed by Hermann Tilke, this circuit was once the most expensive F1 facility, boasting a design that challenges drivers and excites fans, especially with its notorious Turn 1 and Turn 2 combo—a right-handed turn that expands in radius, demanding skill and precision.

Chinese Grand Prix history

The path to China’s first ever F1 race was paved with ambition and setbacks, beginning in the early ’90s and eventually culminating in the establishment of this imposing Shanghai sporting arena.

Initially met with hurdles, like the Zhuhai track’s failure to meet standards, persistence paid off. Since its inaugural race in 2004, the circuit has witnessed legendary moments, including Michael Schumacher’s final victory and Lewis Hamilton’s six wins.

It’s also the home of sporting blunders too with Lewis Hamilton taking to the gravel and losing the 2007 championship as well as numerous spins and scuffles.

Who could forget the Toro Rosso front suspension failure in 2010 too!.

The race disappeared from the calendar during the COVID19 outbreak but from 2024 is back on

Choosing Where to Sit

As you ponder where to watch the race, consider what makes a great viewing spot. The Shanghai International Circuit offers a variety of seating options, from grandstands that provide panoramic views of the high-speed action to more intimate settings where you can feel the roar of the engines.

Your choice should balance visibility of key track features—the start/finish line, the thrilling Turn 1 and Turn 2, and the back straight with its overtaking drama—with comfort and convenience. We’ll cover them all in this article. Plus some handy tips for race day too.

Grandstand A

When you set foot in the Shanghai International Circuit, especially if you’re branching out from the European circuits for the first time, the sheer scale of the venue strikes you. Grandstand A, in particular, stands out—not just for its size, but for the unparalleled views it offers.

As you settle into the upper rows of Grandstand A, you quickly realize why these seats are among the most coveted in the sport.

High seats (Premium)

From the high vantage points in Grandstand A—categorized under Gold, Gold+, and Platinum—you’re treated to a near-complete view of the circuit.

This rare perspective allows you to follow the cars as they navigate around 80% of the track, giving you a comprehensive view that few other spots can boast.

Positioned ideally on the left side, these seats offer a prime view of the crucial first to fourth turns. The only drawback? The occasional hazy conditions that can obscure the Shanghai skyline and, by extension, parts of the race.

Considering the relative affordability of tickets for the Chinese Grand Prix, opting for a seat here is an opportunity for indulgence without the guilt.

The Platinum section, in particular, elevates the experience with access to a private lounge and bar—perfect for those looking to enhance their race day with a touch of exclusivity.

Lower seats (budget)

As for Grandstand A-Low, the experience shifts from panoramic to personal. These seats bring you closer to the action, offering an intimate view of the grid, pit lane, and the pivotal moments of the race, including the electrifying start and the climactic podium ceremony.

However, it’s worth noting that these seats don’t come with the protective cover found higher up, so it’s wise to come prepared for Shanghai’s unpredictable weather.

The ticket policy further adds to the appeal. While all tickets grant access for the entire three-day event, the ‘Free Friday’ policy is a unique perk, allowing you to explore different vantage points across the grandstands on the first day of the racing weekend, with reserved seating kicking in for the qualifying and race days.

Grandstand K

Grandstand K, positioned strategically at the turn 14 hairpin of the Shanghai International Circuit, offers a unique vantage point that is particularly appealing for those interested in the technical aspects of Formula 1 racing and photography enthusiasts alike.

This section of the circuit is where the drama of braking from one of F1’s longest straights unfolds, allowing spectators to witness the precision of overtaking maneuvers in the DRS zone up close.

Viewing Experience

Choosing a seat in Grandstand K, especially closer to the apex of the hairpin, ensures head-on views of the cars as they navigate this tight corner.

The proximity to the action here means you can appreciate the skill involved in the drivers’ braking and cornering at one of the circuit’s most challenging points.

It’s an excellent spot for capturing photographic memories of the race, thanks to the lower speeds and direct line of sight to the cars.

Amenities and Comfort

Despite being one of the smaller grandstand options at the circuit, Grandstand K does not skimp on amenities.

Spectators can enjoy the convenience of covered seating, protecting them from the elements, and the presence of large TV screens. These screens are essential for keeping up with all parts of the race that are out of direct view, ensuring you don’t miss a moment of the action.

Accessibility and Additional Features

Located at the end of the long back straight, just before the hairpin, this grandstand not only offers fantastic views of one of the circuit’s key overtaking spots but also the pit lane entry, adding an extra layer of strategic interest to your viewing experience.

For those looking to enhance their race day with live data and commentary, the F1 app becomes an invaluable companion, allowing you to follow the live leaderboard, lap times, gaps between cars, and even the radio communications from the drivers.

Grandstand H

Grandstand H, situated near the pivotal turn 14 of the Shanghai International Circuit, offers a front-row seat to some of the most thrilling overtaking actions in Formula 1.

This grandstand, along with Grandstand K, flanks one of the circuit’s slow-speed corners at the end of the back straight, making it a hotspot for overtaking maneuvers.

Viewing Experience

From the higher rows of Grandstand H, you’re treated to an expansive view of the cars as they navigate the braking zone into the hairpin. This spot is prime for watching the precision and strategy involved in overtaking moves at one of the circuit’s key points.

If seated towards the opposite end of the grandstand, you can witness the pit lane entry and the drivers’ approach to the tricky final corner, adding a strategic element to your viewing experience.

Seating Recommendations

It’s advisable to aim for seats in the higher portion of Grandstand H, especially those closer to the hairpin, to ensure the best possible view of the overtaking action.

The lower seats, particularly those further from the hairpin, might offer limited views due to the distance and the catch fencing, which can obstruct your view of the critical corner.

Amenities and Comfort

Grandstand H, though one of the smaller options at the circuit, doesn’t compromise on spectator comfort. Attendees can enjoy covered seating, which is a boon in unpredictable weather conditions, and large TV screens positioned across the grandstand ensure you keep up with all aspects of the race, even those beyond your direct line of sight.

Strategic Position

Positioned perfectly at the end of the back straight, Grandstand H offers a unique perspective of Formula 1 racing dynamics.

You’ll experience the adrenaline rush of cars speeding towards you at high speeds, followed by the dramatic deceleration for the hairpin turn, before they accelerate out towards the final stretch of the circuit.

This continuous fluctuation between high speeds and heavy braking makes Grandstand H a favorite among fans who appreciate the technical prowess of F1 drivers.

General Admission Zones C, F, J, L

General Admission tickets at the Shanghai International Circuit provide access to four distinct zones around the track: Zones C, F, J, and L. Each zone offers a unique perspective of the race, with fans limited to the zone for which they hold a ticket.

These areas are characterized by grassy banks where no formal seating is provided, emphasizing the importance of arriving early to secure a prime spot for race viewing.

Zone J at the Hair Pin

Zone J, located at the Turn 14 hairpin, stands out among the General Admission options. It offers excellent views of one of the circuit’s key overtaking points, especially under DRS conditions.

Fans in Zone J are in a prime position to witness the thrilling maneuvers as drivers battle for position in this crucial corner.

Zone L start of the Pit Straight

Zone L is another notable General Admission area, positioned at the start of the pit straight.

This zone offers a perspective on the race’s strategic elements, including pit stop preparations and the tense moments at the beginning of the race. Like Zone J, it’s advisable to come prepared for all weather conditions, with umbrellas and waterproofs recommended if rain is forecast.

Zone C and Zone F

While Zones C and F might not boast the same level of action as Zones J and L, they still offer valuable vantage points for fans looking to soak in the atmosphere of the Grand Prix.

Being grassy areas, these zones allow fans to experience the race in a more relaxed setting, albeit with the advice to arrive early to claim a good viewing spot.

Grass Zone B

It’s worth noting that Grass Zone B, previously a favorite for its views of the first sequence of turns and the main straight, is not part of the ticket offering for 2024.

This zone was known for its proximity to the main entertainment and refreshments area, making it a convenient option for fans seeking both action and amenities. UPDATE: Not Available for 2024.

Paddock Club at the Chinese F1 GP

The Paddock Club at the Shanghai International Circuit not only situates you above the team garages but also offers an incomparable view of the entire pitstop ballet and the dramatic surges from the start line.

This premium positioning ensures that you won’t miss a single moment of the strategic maneuvers that define a race weekend.

Here’s some of the highlights exclusive to Paddock Club ticket holders:

Aramco F1® Pitlane Walk

Dive deep into the heart of Formula 1 with the Aramco F1® Pitlane Walk. This exclusive access allows you to observe the teams as they meticulously prepare and strategize for the upcoming sessions, offering a live, unfiltered view of the paddock in action.

F1® Drivers & Ambassadors Live

Experience the thrill of getting up close with the stars of Formula 1. The Paddock Club hosts live interviews with current and future drivers, giving you a rare opportunity to hear from the personalities behind the helmets.

Track Tours

Embark on a guided tour of the F1® circuit aboard an open-top truck, providing a lap filled with insights, twists, turns, and tales of the track’s storied past. Availability may vary, but the experience remains a highlight for any racing enthusiast.

Culinary Experience

At the Paddock Club, culinary delights await, with dishes prepared by world-class chefs showcasing the best in global and local cuisine. This includes live culinary shows that add an element of entertainment to your dining experience.

Each meal within the Paddock Club is a meticulously curated experience. Chefs utilize handpicked, market-fresh ingredients to craft a menu that blends global flavors with local specialties, ensuring a gastronomic journey as thrilling as the race itself.


From race simulators and live music performances to local cultural experiences, the Paddock Club ensures that there is something for every fan. These activities offer a deeper dive into the essence of Formula 1, beyond just the race itself.

A typical Sunday at the Paddock Club might look like this, though schedules are subject to change:

  • 09:45: The Paddock Club opens, setting the stage for an exhilarating day.
  • 10:00: Engage with a Driver Interview, gaining insights directly from the track’s stars.
  • 11:00: Participate in the Track Tour, a journey around the circuit’s iconic corners.
  • 12:00: Enjoy a Musical Performance, adding a dynamic cultural twist to the experience.
  • Following the race’s excitement, the Paddock Club closes at 18:00, marking the end of a memorable Grand Prix weekend.


Located at 28 Zhongshan Road (South), the Shanghai International Circuit is easily accessible, with the Paddock Club offering private parking to simplify your arrival and departure.

Useful Advice for Attending the Chinese Grand Prix

Attending the Chinese Grand Prix at the Shanghai International Circuit is an exhilarating experience for any Formula 1 fan. To ensure you have the best possible time, here are some practical tips and advice:

Arrive Early

Whether you have a seat in one of the grandstands or a General Admission ticket, arriving early is key. This is especially crucial for General Admission ticket holders, as these zones offer unreserved, grassy bank seating. Arriving early allows you to scout and secure the best possible spot to view the race.

Prepare for the Weather

Shanghai’s weather can be unpredictable in April, the typical month for the Chinese Grand Prix. Be sure to check the weather forecast in advance and prepare accordingly. Bringing waterproof clothing and an umbrella can save the day in case of rain. Similarly, sun protection, such as sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses, is advisable for sunny days.

Wear Comfortable Footwear

Given the size of the Shanghai International Circuit and the potential need to walk significant distances between zones, entrances, and amenities, comfortable footwear is a must. You’ll likely spend a lot of time on your feet, whether walking around or standing in your General Admission zone.

Explore the Circuit

Take advantage of any opportunities to explore different areas of the circuit, especially on practice days when access may be more flexible. The ‘Free Friday’ policy, if applicable, allows ticket holders to sit in any grandstand, offering a chance to view the action from various perspectives.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished

Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, as staying hydrated is crucial, particularly if it’s warm or if you’re in the sun for extended periods. There are food and beverage vendors within the circuit, but consider bringing your own snacks to keep energy levels up throughout the day.

Use the F1 App

Downloading the F1 app can enhance your race-day experience by providing live timing, commentary, and driver communications. This is particularly useful if your view of the giant screens is limited or if you want to follow the details of the race more closely.

Plan Your Transportation

The Shanghai International Circuit is located in the Jiading district, a fair distance from downtown Shanghai. Plan your transportation in advance, whether you’re using public transport, a circuit shuttle service, or driving. Allow extra time for travel on race day due to the increased traffic and potential delays.

Respect the Circuit and Fellow Fans

Finally, remember to respect the circuit facilities and your fellow race-goers. Keep your area clean, follow any instructions from circuit staff, and be considerate of others to ensure everyone has an enjoyable experience at the Grand Prix.

By following these tips, you’re set to have a memorable and enjoyable experience at the Shanghai International Circuit, capturing the thrill of Formula 1 racing amidst one of its most impressive venues.